Show the map around your city.
Click on icons on the map to see details.
Depending on "Info" points, you can see more details of rebel cities.
Manage your city.
You can spend resources to build and upgrade city facilities.
Display Hero stats and task progress.
You can hire up to 6 Heroes.
Check and manage your army.
Spend resources and time to hire and train new units.
Hired units must be fed.
Food production will decrease by the amount needed by your army.
You can trade resources with other players.
Resources can be traded at any agreed rate.
Merchants from each city will travel to it's counter part in the deal.
Each merchant can take 1000 resources.
You can spend Jewels to redistribute your resources.
Send your Heroes to quests to earn xp and gold.
Completing quests take real time.
Once the task is complete, Heroes take time to return to the castle.
You can purchase or produce items that aid your challenge.
【Buy】Buy powerful weapons with Jewels.
【Create】Spend Gold to make items.
Item production requires real time.
Reports your progress against rebel forces.
Rankings of population, attack, defense, and loot.